Monday, March 31, 2008

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The site

The task of reforming the status was told Remy Schwartz December 18, 2007.
The commission was to issue its findings in January.

Composition of the committee control of the site dedicated to personal
o Remy Schwartz, State Councillor, Chairman of the Commission
o Francoise GUEGOT, MP (Seine Maritime)
o Jean Leonce Dupont, Senator, draftsman of the Act of August 10
o Yves DEJEACQUES , HR, Sté CASINO, president of the National Network for Equal Opportunity
o Alain Renaut, philosopher, professor at Paris 4 Sorbonne, Director of the European Observation of university policies.
o Jean-Hervé Lorenzi, President of the circle of economists
o Frédéric Sudre, president of the Public Law Section Board National universities
o Patrice Deteix, Professor - hospital doctor, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Clermont Ferrand
o Michel Morvan, professor at the ENS Lyon, director of studies at EHESS.
o Jean-Baptiste Carpentier, Rector of the Academy of Rennes
o Eric Esperet, Delegate General of the Conference of University Presidents
o Michel Cormier, Director of Division facilities AERES
o Christine MUSSELIN researcher in sociology at the IEP of Paris
o Beatrice Gille, Inspector General Administration of National Education and Research
o Rapporteur: Frédéric FOREST, civilian administrator of the Department of Finance (Budget), Director of Human Resources, University of Rouen

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" autonomy law, why is that it allows contracts? This is not to put researchers under contract status. (The law) allows the recruitment of quality people who are not covered by the statute. (...) The idea c is opening a new gateway to the university. But it will be for a very small number of people (...). My goal is absolutely not that is the gateway for young researchers at the university. The gateway to the University, is the status of lecturer. This status
we're working on it for the renovation, the upgrade in terms of working conditions, promotion (...).
What I want, is that careers in academia and research careers are deeply upgraded in the coming years. It goes with the reform of the system.
Valerie Pécresse (Minister of Higher Education and research), Libélabo , interview conducted by three students of Paris 10 on the occasion of the anniversary of May 1968, March 20, 2008.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Why Is My Quad Back Firing?

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LRU Act, reforming the status of teachers, researchers, AERS circulars, parliamentary reports: The University is changing rapidly. Faced with this mutation
legitimate questions arise.
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