Le chemin que nous empruntons pour sillonner les étals du marché des Lices varie d'un samedi à l'autre. Mais, au gré des saisons et des envies, certaines étapes demeurent ; et pour celles que nous avons besoin d'oublier un temps, nos pas finissent toujours, presque malgré nous, par les retrouver quelques semaines ou quelques mois plus tard. Au nombre des adresses qui connaissent our good figure, that of Roland Lécrivain account. Among other qualities, he is said to be the pioneer in the reuse of dairy farming Froment du Léon, a cow whose milk gives a particularly tasty butter famous. As was the incorrigible habit of doing everything for doing nothing like everyone else, it's not butter her we feast, but its raw cream, a small miracle if a smooth feather goose enough to turn it into a whipped a lightness, a sparkling and a flux absolutely none. There was a time that comes, no doubt about it-where we were particularly fond of his yoghurts, accompanied by maple syrup or butterscotch sauce example. Their main attraction, besides their silky firmness is the thin layer of cream pale gold that covers each of them, sooner tasted it regrets that it has gone so fast under the onslaught of our gluttony. Although the cows do not lay eggs, Mr. Lécrivain sells, and it is often those little fingers that delighted Patoumi transformed into scrumptious cakes.
On the side of this first hall, which houses the time Saturday morning Mr. Lécrivain, run stalls the organic market. If we do sometimes stop at random to buy lettuce, butternut squash or we stop at the stand of mostly organic vegetables from the island of Batz, run by Bénédicte Menon. Besides delicious cabbage, green or flower, there are nice red vegetables - red onions and potatoes island, the flesh firm and sweet and in season we do not start again from the market without a pound of each. When
follows the natural slope of the square of the Strings, we find ourselves inevitably down the second hall (Mr. Lécrivain located in the first) specifically devoted to meat products. Immediately below its last door, almost opposite to that of the auction house stands a lady whose name I know not, but sells throughout the year herbs. We mainly just to visit him in the sunny days, as she sells tomatoes of all colors, so soft-yet-quite firm that we seized the moment in the entire legitimacy of the membership of the Tomato fruit category (what monstrosities pale, acidic and floury taste that you sometimes can be a time doubting). This lady also offers the same season a highly aromatic basil adorns over and willingly our dishes and sandwiches.
So here we are at the bottom of the Strings and the market ends, maybe I like to mention another time other stalls that we hang out, but for now we are at a crossroads with a lot counted for me there was a time, as were facing at that time and by a strange coincidence, the flat and firm Patoumi my psychoanalyst. This in ancient times, before it became totally or we can not live without each other, and we decided to settle in this place where I write today, refuge felted view more grandiose . At the bottom of this apartment earlier that we do come across now only the facade is still a bakery ( Artisan bread) where we sometimes jump to bring a ball campaillette whose dense crumb, fresh and white-this pleases me especially being unfaithful to our usual Bakery Hoche. If you're not an early riser, it is useless to pretend that eat bread on Saturdays at the end of the market, it is long since exhausted when approach the hour of noon. The other interesting dimension of this intersection is that it opens that Nantes Street, besides the fact of joining the tour Jehan Duchesne is also a haven for restaurateurs, not all very common it must be said. More items in the next post ...
Roland Lécrivain, Market for Strings, and the Upper Village Farm
Combourtillé February 1999 97 35 210 50 31
Vegetables on the island of Batz, Bénédicte Menon Market Lices
The artisan bread 35000 Nantes 22 rue Rennes 02 99 31 43 67
Posted by G.
follows the natural slope of the square of the Strings, we find ourselves inevitably down the second hall (Mr. Lécrivain located in the first) specifically devoted to meat products. Immediately below its last door, almost opposite to that of the auction house stands a lady whose name I know not, but sells throughout the year herbs. We mainly just to visit him in the sunny days, as she sells tomatoes of all colors, so soft-yet-quite firm that we seized the moment in the entire legitimacy of the membership of the Tomato fruit category (what monstrosities pale, acidic and floury taste that you sometimes can be a time doubting). This lady also offers the same season a highly aromatic basil adorns over and willingly our dishes and sandwiches.
So here we are at the bottom of the Strings and the market ends, maybe I like to mention another time other stalls that we hang out, but for now we are at a crossroads with a lot counted for me there was a time, as were facing at that time and by a strange coincidence, the flat and firm Patoumi my psychoanalyst. This in ancient times, before it became totally or we can not live without each other, and we decided to settle in this place where I write today, refuge felted view more grandiose . At the bottom of this apartment earlier that we do come across now only the facade is still a bakery ( Artisan bread) where we sometimes jump to bring a ball campaillette whose dense crumb, fresh and white-this pleases me especially being unfaithful to our usual Bakery Hoche. If you're not an early riser, it is useless to pretend that eat bread on Saturdays at the end of the market, it is long since exhausted when approach the hour of noon. The other interesting dimension of this intersection is that it opens that Nantes Street, besides the fact of joining the tour Jehan Duchesne is also a haven for restaurateurs, not all very common it must be said. More items in the next post ...
Roland Lécrivain, Market for Strings, and the Upper Village Farm
Combourtillé February 1999 97 35 210 50 31
Vegetables on the island of Batz, Bénédicte Menon Market Lices
The artisan bread 35000 Nantes 22 rue Rennes 02 99 31 43 67
Posted by G.
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