Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Chili Pepper Costume Small

Call for the mobilization of teachers and researchers of Paris 10

We held today in a meeting room for teachers on the draft decree amending the status of a teacher researcher.

This project has many innovations raising questions each.
Among these questions, the most disturbing seems to be the disappearance of an essential safeguard of our "status": the famous 128 hours equivalent CM that determine our " service. Without that guarantee, who can predict what the financial constraints that will inevitably weigh on universities in the years ahead may lead?

Two actions are planned: A
  • slogan was introduced to strike for tomorrow Thursday, November 20. I invite you to join the demonstration which will start from the street Soufflot to try to reach our department. Our appointment is set at 13.30 in front of Dalloz (obviously).
  • A motion will be presented to the Board of the University. It is requested that those who can "support" the motion by their presence in front of building B on Monday, November 24 at 13:45.
The text of the draft motion.
The Governing Council calls for the abandonment of the proposed constitutional amendment to Decree 1984, which further aggravates the provisions of the law LRU. He opposed including: •
to the questioning of public service, the principle of academic independence and the abolition of their national status
• prioritization of fact between teaching and research that this decree establishes the
• full powers of university presidents and school principals in individual career management •
to modulation of services that will result in an increase educational services for most teachers
• Researchers at the dispossession of the CNU any role in managing national research professors' careers (promotions, sabbaticals)
• the abolition of the status ATER
He requested the opening of negotiations with trade unions to improve conditions under which faculty members perform their various missions, which implies an overall reduction, by job creation, their services are taken fully into account all their activities (teaching, research, administration, etc.).. It calls in particular the half-service for new recruits as well as improving conditions of work, pay scales and salaries of all personnel.
It requires the reorientation of budgetary resources this effect from the 2009 budget.
In any event, the Board will reject any heavier service teacher-researchers at Nanterre.
It instructs the president of the university to bring this motion before the CPU.

Why Would My Uterus Be Enlarged

Draft amendment to Article 7 of the 1984 decree

Here is version "consolidated" in the "draft decree" in short, a consolidation project ...

Art. 7. - The duties of teachers exercised researchers in the areas listed in Articles L.123-3 and L.952-3 of the Education Code and L.112-1 of the research. I - Modulation of services between the various activities of teacher-researchers envisaged on the whole time reference work in the public. This working time reference is made for faculty members: 1st Half of educational services by determined over a period of annual benchmark equal to 128 hours of instruction or 192 hours of tutorials or any equivalent combination . These activities are accompanied by the hours spent in preparation and control of knowledge related to the tasks of collective interest corresponding to the teaching mission as well as remote training, mentoring and monitoring Internship: 2 ° For the other half by a research activity supported and recognized as such through regular evaluation performed at least every four years by the national council of universities or the National Council of Universities for medical disciplines, dental and pharmaceuticals as well as community service tasks corresponding to the research mission. II - In compliance with the provisions of Article L. 952-4 of the Education Code and taking into account scientific and educational priorities, the board or body in lieu thereof, defines the general principles of distribution services between the different functions of teacher-researchers. It also sets equivalences schedules applicable to each of these activities and how they practice counting.
President or Director of the institution shall award the individual decisions of service of teachers and researchers in the interest of the service, after consultation, the Director of the component and the director of the research unit concerned. The roster of each teacher-researcher is transmitted at the beginning of the academic year and is tailored for each semester of instruction. It may include a number teaching hours or less than the number of hours I mentioned in reference based on the quality of research and evaluation by the national council of universities or the national council of universities for medical specialties, dental and pharmaceuticals.
The general distribution of service obligations and the individual decisions of allocation of services can lead to degrade the overall potential of education as provided in the contract between the state and the institution.
Where it appears impossible assign reference service to these personnel, the president or the facility director asks them to complete their service in another public institution of higher education in the same academy without payment of additional hours. The region of Ile-de-France, for the purposes of this subparagraph, considered one and the same academy.
III. Teachers and researchers who perform the functions of a university president or vice-president of one of the three boards of a university, or director of a public education above are, ipso facto, unloaded from the teaching service in the third paragraph above, unless they wish to retain all or part of this service.
Research faculty who serve as director of an institute or school under Article L. 713-9 of the Education Code shall, upon request, relieved of right two-thirds of the teaching service in the third paragraph above, unless they wish to remain eligible for any relief or benefit from a bottom discharge.
Research faculty who perform the duties of Director Training Unit and Research may, at their request, be unloaded at more than two-thirds of the service mentioned in the third paragraph above.
The lecturers engaged with ministers responsible for higher education and research functions of expertise and advice, the list is fixed by joint order of Ministers may, upon request, be relieved of the two third service in the third paragraph above, unless they wish to remain eligible for any relief or benefit from a lower discharge.
Research faculty who benefit from the provisions of this III may not be paid for extra lessons.
Article 7-1 - The faculty members shall, at least every four years, a progress report to the chairperson or director of the institution that delivers them to the National Council of Universities or the National Council of Universities for areas of medicine, dental and pharmaceutical products.